What Are the Benefits of Skid Pallets?

13 November 2020
 Categories: , Blog

While all pallets can carry and store loads, they come in different shapes, sizes and designs. Traditional two-tier pallets are a popular solution; however, there are times when a skid pallet is a better choice. What is a skid pallet and what are its advantages? What Is a Skid Pallet? Traditional wooden pallets have two platform decks, one at the bottom and one at the top. These decks typically have open boards or slats across them. Read More 

Benefits of Using Fabricated Stainless Steel Products

10 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Stainless steel is made from iron alloyed with chromium, nickel or silicon. The metals are melted together in a furnace to create a durable, corrosion-resistant and polished product. The stainless steel manufacturing process takes place at very high temperatures and for many hours. The strength of stainless steel comes from the fact that when it comes into contact with water, it forms a coat of chromium oxide, preventing the iron from getting corroded. Read More 

Are You Working With The Right Plastic Packaging Manufacturers?

5 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

The packaging is the first thing your client sees when analysing your product. Therefore, the packaging you use for your products is a reflection of your company. One packaging material that is versatile and cost-efficient is plastic. Plastic is ideal for different kinds of products in various industries. Though plastic packaging offers many benefits, some mistakes made can affect your brand. Look for these elements when working with a plastic packaging manufacturer. Read More